After 13-Month Groundbreaking Investigation The Washington Post Discovers the COVID-19 Virus Came From China

Wuhan Institute of Virology

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After a special 13-month investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Washington Post uncovered the earth-shattering fact that the COVID-19 virus originated in China, and that the Chinese government tried to cover this up.

The Post also states that now this is known, China must provide some answers.

In an editorial published on Friday, the Post wrote, "China actively covered up the early stages of the pandemic, concealed the transmissibility of the virus from its own people and the world, and punished Wuhan doctors who expressed worry about it in late December 2019.”

“President Xi Jinping did not warn the public in China or abroad until mid-January."

The Post’s investigation also discovered Chinese officials put forth "a host of dubious theories" and other “disinformation”, which “only heightens suspicions that China is trying to distract from or conceal something.”

However, Trump made these exact same observations 13 months ago.
And was roundly criticized for it.

A spokesperson for the Post dismissed this.

“When Trump says something, it’s racism. When the Post says the same thing, it’s news.”

CNN also reacted to the editorial, criticizing the Post for being slow.

“This is old news,” boasted a spokesperson for CNN. “We discovered this same thing three months ago, only 10 months after Trump did. The Post is a little late to the party.”

“We turned Trump’s racist falsehood into a legitimate fact months before the Post did.”

"Once again, CNN is first on a story."

When asked why CNN took 10 months to do this, the CNN spokesperson replied, “We had to wait until after the election.”

- The Satirized Evening Post
February 7, 2021

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