Someone Explains to Susan Rice
that All of Trumps Lies
were Caused by an Offensive Internet Video

Susan Rice

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a recent MSNBC interview, Susan Rice attacked Trump for “the disgraceful, despicable lies this president tells.”

After the interview, a pro-Trump pundit informed her that the blame for those lies should not lie with Trump, but with a despicable anti-Trump internet video.

“None of those lies were Trumps fault,” said the pundit “They were caused by an offensive video made by Never-Trumpers. In fact, I plan on going on five Sunday morning TV news shows, and explaining that to people.”

According to the custom started by the Obama Administration, after the pundit gives this explanation on the five shows, he will be named National Security Advisor.

- The Satirized Evening Post
June 20, 2020

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