Frito-Lay Reminds Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that the Economics Degrees in Cracker Jack boxes
are Just Make-Believe

AOC Speaking

PLANO, TEXAS – As freshman US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to make statement after statement showing a lack of understanding of basic economics, the Frito-Lay corporation issued a statement saying that the economics degrees they put in boxes of Cracker Jack are just make-believe.

"We give away those fake diplomas so kids can pretend," said a spokesperson for Frito-Lay. "Just because you pull an economics degree out of a box of Cracker Jack, doesn't mean you automatically understand unemployment rates, accounting errors, tax incentives, and other ‘Big Girl’ words."

"In order to understand modern monetary theory, the impact of deficits, and the difference between a budget increase vs. a total budget, you need more than a piece of paper that smells like candy-coated popcorn."

"It also doesn't mean you don't need to use correct math or do basic research. Ignoring these things leads to statements like, ‘200 million Americans make less than $20,000 a year, and that's 40% of the population.’"

"And if she got an Economics Degree from a real university, she should get her money back, because that degree seems about as useful as the ones we give out."

- The Satirized Evening Post
March 22, 2019

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